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大葉汽車旅館設有反偵測系統及每日定時消毒防疫;杜絕偷拍及SARS防制,可維護您個人的隱私和安全。各類歐式套房浴室皆有大型雙人按摩浴缸、蒸汽室、浴室電視,為認真生活的您舒緩工作壓力。名設計師精心規劃,採用進口king size名床、大尺寸電視螢幕、ADSL寬頻,六星級設備與服務。住宿另贈精緻中、西式營養早餐,衛生安全、舒適清淨,高級享受、優惠價格,竭誠期待您的光臨!
Omega Music was founded in 1999, established by experienced staffs and technicians who had passion and dedication to produce and provide top quality musical products for the world, and today we are now a professional guitar manufacturer with Technical Managers with 15 years of guitar-making understandings and Sales Managers with 20 years of market experiences in the musical industry. Our complete knowledge of how to make an excellent guitar and full understanding of what the customers want are the keys to our success, and specially distinguish us from other manufacturers. Starting from only manufacture acoustic guitars, we have now developed into a 16,000 square meters in our factory size and invested into professional equipments to produce both acoustic and electric guitars expertly. In late 2006, we began our wooden case manufacturing, in which provided our customers with more options to upgrade their guitars, and increased the value of the guitars greatly. Currently, we manufacture all range of guitars starting from acoustic, classical guitars to electric guitar and bass to banjo, mandolin, ukulele, jazz, gypsy, resonator, round-back guitars, and all of them are available in left-handed models, and also wooden cases to support them. We are your ideal single source for all range of products and at the most competitive price on the market. Our customers are all around the world which includes some of the worlds most famous brands, and our quality and service is guaranteed by all our customers, and we also guarantee that you will be very satisfy with our trustworthy reliability, responsibility, efficient service, and excellent quality products.
Im AwayShang Yi Motor Co., Ltd. was established in 1981, producing distribution motors and winding as major products and started integrated motor products in 1983. We are engaged in the development and design to produce versatile motors in order to satisfy customers needs. With newly built plant and advanced equipment of development, our main products are appliances, air conditioners, freezers, aquarium and deep pumps, and medical instruments. We also deal with healthy instruments, small- sized machinery and small-size slow down motors. With the concept of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, all of our products meet worldwide standards and win a great reputation in the field. We market our products with the service concept of esteem for customers in Taiwan area, as well as throughout the world. The strategy of our company is to provide customers with good quality products & reliable service. The specification, size & capacity can be followed & manufactured according to customers demand in order to reduce the burden of cost and the inconvenience during the manufacturing at customers site. Our goal is to achieve the corporation at ODM and OEM basis to provide the components required for the manufacture. Meanwhile, we hope to have the authority & assistance from various overseas motor suppliers for motor manufacture.
康勝公司創立於民國95年3月迄今四年餘,自許是台灣的驕傲。繼以CLR交聯包覆技術平台為根基,展延開發酵素產品,曾經舉辦成果發表記者會及參加多次國際展覽,並且申請多項國際發明專利。目前研發之產品,皆與弘光科技大學簽立產學合作。 目前商品化主要產品如下: 1.冬蟲夏草,(紫金蟲草, 黃金蟲草, 赤金蟲草)成份特殊,對不孕症之效用,已取得提昇雄性生殖力之發明專利。並已獲得國際動物期刊(Effect of Cordyceps Militavis Supplementation on Sperm Production , Sperm Motility and Hormones in Sprague-Dawley Rats.)「Volume : 36 , Issue : 5 (2008) pp.849-859」及國際食品期刊(Improvement of Sperm Production in Subfertile Boars by Cordyceps militaris Supplement. )「Volume : 35 , Issue : 4 (2007) pp.631-641」,培養基製程專利申請亦於審核中。 2.御金美人.晶綻丰采精華液, 花樣美肌 風華再現 瞬間透亮 , 完美肌膚 來自與眾不同 , 結合黃金蟲草 (北蟲草) 、膠原蛋白、六胜肽等﹍多種完整的有效天然成份,提高肌膚完全防禦機制,集中修護受損膚質,使肌膚彈力耀現。 維他命C 誘導體-運用獨特的高科技包覆技術,與膚溫接觸後滲透於肌膚,隨即吸收達到真正的淨白果。 3.御金美人.晶綻羽絲柔面膜;優質的黃金蟲草,呵護皮膚的細胞營養源 4.熱狗寵物沐浴乳, 澳洲綿羊專用清潔元素配方, 添加黃金蟲草SOD可抗氧化消除自由基. 5.鳳梨酵素,其功效機轉已受國際肯定登載於『美國化學會(ACS)』的『農業與食品化學期刊(Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)』「Volume 54 No.6 March 22,2006」。 6.梅子酵素,除梅子功效,其降低膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、血脂肪經台中榮總臨床試驗證實,效果明顯。
座落於花園夜市周邊的慾望城市,風華時尚’魅惑經典,充滿浪漫氛圍. 是一座全方位時尚旅館新指標.獨特的精心設計,襯以輕柔的紡紗流蘇, 絕對私密的貼心服務,體貼入微的私人用品.幻彩雙人按摩浴缸, 全國唯一浴室暖房設備’浴室專屬20吋液晶電視,精油’沖瀑浴’烤箱’蒸汽室, 浪漫唯美四柱床,天篷式帷幕,超大KING SIZE大床, 42吋大型液晶電視,情境音樂,背景,燈光,多種貼心備品,享受無拘無束的歡樂時光
文網股份有限公司成立於2006年,為自有品牌CHCCD系統的研發、設計與執行,並提供客制化網頁設計。文網亦是Open Source軟體的幕後支持者,在這裡的員工也可以參與Open Source計劃與企劃。 CHCCD Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, and started to Design, develop and produce the CMS System since then. CHCCD has worked with hundreds of clients, including corporations, individual professionals, non-profit groups, businesses of all size, government contractors, IT firms, and advertising agencies. 網頁設計部門網址http://www.cadch.com/ 程式設計部門網址http://www.kip.com.tw/ CMS網頁模板大量客製化部門http://www.nc.com.tw/
Accumulating 25 years experiences in IT industry, NBS Display Solutions was founded in 2011 Taipei for taking the lead of a 15-year-old photonics manufactures to supply industrial TFT panels for devices applied at harsh environment. Mission To provide special TFT panel solutions in vertical market places. To provided extended services of LCD cabling and customization of LCD panel chassis. Focus Markets We present sunlight readable LCDs and touch panels, heater solutions, featured LCDs such as AR coating, brightness enhancement and dimming on any size of LCDs at following applications. - Navigators - Food industry - Oil Gas stations - Military systems - Law enforcement - Point of sales - Handheld Devices - Other outdoor systems Deliverables Our extended service line has covered LCD cabling and chassis customization. That makes our deliverables include - Off the shelf sunlight readable panels - Designated TFT Enhancements - LCD Cables - Customized Panel Housing
1997:桂鼎科技公司成立於1997年,成立之目的為整合4 C - Control Computer Communication ,Component 技術協助台灣產業界進入21世紀共創新未來。 1998:成立之初為販售Honeywell 公司,光通訊轉換器及感測器體、固態半導體元件(SoC fiber optical component & Hall Effect IC, Magnetoresistive ASIC,Pressure &Flow Sensor IC ,Tempture Sensor IC …) 1999:增加日本山武YAMATAKE公司相關儀錶及監控自動化產品、零組件、系統、軟件的販售並提供系統整合服務。 2000:提供數位PID Controller,Sensor,Actuator於日商FUJI電機工程公司,並配合試車完成廣輝電子TFT一廠無塵室工程。 2001:成立了工程部,致力於工業儀錶,自動化系統整合技術及中央監控工程設計規劃施工維修等服務,並完成OLED真空昇華爐控制系統& MLCC真空氣氛爐控制系統。 2002:成功完成熱導管生產設備及測試設備控制系統。 2003:成功完成高真空MIM熱處理爐設備儀控工程及台大奈米實驗室恆溫恆濕工程。 2004:成功完成氫氣PECVD設備儀控工程。中華映像管LCD廠FMCS 控製器整合 。 2005 : 成功完成高真空熱處理爐設備儀控工程。中華映像管LCD廠地震感測警報&FMCS整合。 台積電七廠無塵室改善工程。 公司核心成員皆來自美、日著名儀錶、系統監控公司具有10年以上系統整合、工程管理、產品開發、市場銷售業務能力等專長;並專長於工廠儀錶自動化整合、智慧型大樓監控系統,對於PID控制器、DCS、DDC、PLC系統 & 現場儀錶皆有豐富規劃設計經驗。
普羅策略【Pools Strategy】: 新經濟時代的來臨,每個人都是世界公民,在全球人海中,必須找個大池子讓自己有棲身之處,因此順應趨勢潮流,「泛宇」有了普羅策略的利人發想,願意提供職場、資源與他人共享,當下設定目標尋找108位想年收入百萬的保銷人員一起打拼,竭誠歡迎你的加入 「喜捨」是泛宇的堅持「回饋」是泛宇的理念 「誠信」是泛宇的保證「卓越」是泛宇的目標 漣漪效應【Ripple Effect】: 在茫茫人海中,你、我僅是一顆不起眼的小水滴,只要我們匯集成一個大池子時,小水滴的漣漪效應是可以無遠弗屆的,即可造福千萬有緣之人,每一個人可以有大成就、大功德、大圓滿。 【泛宇保經 品質純金】【做你自己 就在泛宇】: 泛宇制度簡單,容易達成,全方位的職場,最誠信的經營,理想的事業、美麗的願景一定可以達成, 【一時的努力 一世的肯定 真心的結緣 真誠的承諾】
Coilmaster components are manufactured and promoted for use in Choke coils for DC/DC converters for portable equipment, mobile computers (PDA, Notebook size personal computers), AV- equipment (DVD, LCD television sets, Digital cameras), Power supply for VTR, OA equipment, Small size communication equipment.
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